In order to close as many deals as possible, it is important to offer customers financing. It is only annoying if the financing requests are frequently rejected and the deal then falls through. It is therefore not only essential to offer financing in principle, but also to ensure that it is approved. Read this article to find out how you can effectively improve your financing offer and increase your approval rate.
Too little financing is approved and your deals fall through
Are you familiar with this? You already offer your customers financing and work together with a leasing company or financier. Despite everything, you are not one hundred percent satisfied because your partner only accepts a small proportion of the financing requests.
It happens time and again that you are unable to offer your customers the promised financing and the sale does not materialize for this reason. In the end, you lose business, customers and your good reputation. All of this results in a loss of sales.
Working with several leasing companies and financing partners
To solve this problem, you need to improve your financing offer and increase the approval rate. You can achieve this by not just relying on one financing partner or leasing company, but on several. This way you have a plan B in case one partner cancels the financing. You simply present the request to the next financing partner and so on.
The chances of getting funding approved are then better. However, this means an incredible amount of work for you and your team, which costs time and resources. After all, you have to resubmit every rejected request to one of your partners. And first you have to find this partner and others and convince them to work with you.
How to effectively improve your financing offer
So if you want to improve your financing offer, it’s best to entrust yourself to a professional, such as a leasing broker. They already work with a wide range of leasing companies and financiers and can therefore make the best choice for your company and your customers.
In one step, you send the financing request to the leasing broker. The leasing broker forwards it to the most suitable financing partner. If they turn you down, the leasing broker will contact the next financier and so on. Until, in most cases, a positive response is received, the financing can be carried out and you can close your deal.
Improve the financing offer and increase the approval rate without additional effort
In just one step, you can work with several leasing companies and financiers instead of just one. This allows you to improve your financing offer and approval rate with minimal effort.
To be precise, nothing changes in terms of the work involved in the daily business process compared to before. This is because you only send a financing request. Previously, you sent it directly to the financing company. Now you send it to a leasing broker. The effort is the same, but the benefit is much greater because you can expect a higher approval rate and therefore more sales and a higher turnover.
Work together with a leasing broker
If you would like to improve your financing offer and benefit from a higher approval rate, we will be happy to help you. We will find an individual solution for your company and put together a suitable selection of leasing companies and financing partners for you. We then ensure that your financing requests are approved so that you can concentrate on your business.